2018’in en iyileri / En iyi CEO : Paul Duany

Paypal sonrası Tesla projesi ile eski kafalılara, vay yeni kurtarıcımız geliyor hissi verdi. Herkes Elon Musk’dan eski liderlerin hatta kurtarıcıların bakışını, duruşunu bekledi. Ancak Elon Musk da bir insandı. Hataları, yanlışları olan. Ama eski nesil liderler bunları göstermemeyi tercih ediyorlardı. Yeni neslin tabii böyle bir şansı yok. Eğer herkesin gözü önündeyseniz, birçok kamera da size bakacaktır. Eskiden liderleri pijamalı görmezdiniz. Bu kadar kameranın olduğu bir yerde pijamalı yöneticiler de olacaktır. Elon Musk işte bu rahatlığa sahip bir CEO. Her zaman jilet gibi takım elbise ile halkın karşısına çıkan yöneticilere inat fikirlerinin önemli olduğu hissini verdi. Bütün fikirlerini tasvip etmek zorunda değildik. Bunu da bize kafamıza vura vura öğretti.
Sanıyorum 2019 ve gelecek on yılda bu tarz bir liderliğe alışmamız gerekecek. Bu nedenle Güney Afrika’lı fizikçi Elon Musk artık ne yaparsa yapsın benim için garip olmayacak.
Türkiye’den de bir yönetici ezber bozmayı başardı. Türkiye’nin en büyük telekom şirketinin CEO’su bir çağrı merkezi elemanı gibi kendisine sorulan bütün sorulara çözüm buldu. Hatta fenomenlere konu olarak binlerce dolarlık kampanyalara gerek kalmadan etkili oldu. Türk Telekom’un CEO’su Paul Duany bence dünya çapında farklı bir yönetici olduğunu bu şekilde ortaya koydu.


Atif Unaldi

Setting up the BBS system enabling the communication of two persons over telephone lines when he was a student at the Physics Department at the Bosphorus University, Atıf Unaldı established the first Internet connection in Turkey. He achieved a “first of its kind” type project again in Turkey by making an Internet and information program at Radio D (Radio Club) named “Farenin Kuyrugu” (The Tail of the Mouse) between 1992-1994. In 1994, he prepared, presented and produced a nightly live show,”RadyoNet”, appearing five weekdays on Kanal D. This was the first program consisted of live computer pictures from beginning to end. Atıf Unaldı was the General Director of the first Internet server in Turkey, Anadolu.Net, between 1994-1996. Being the supervisor of the World Air Games I in 1996 and 1997, he registered the sportsmen into the games over the Internet and Intranet. In 1998, he also became the Internet supervisor of the Sabah Group, and worked as a consultant in the project to sell Sabah Kitapları (Sabah Books) over the Internet. In the same year, he continued to write at his column (Yeni Ufuklar-New Horizons) in the .Net magazine, which was a publication of the Milliyet Group. In 1999, he was appointed as the webmaster in Ihlas.Net, and he also designed and administered it. In the very same year, he wrote at a column in an IT magazine, Pcweek of the Sabah Group. In the meantime, founding a web-design company, Artmedya, Unaldı prepared an Internet magazine talk show program for BRT, GeceNet, which he presented with Romina Ozipekci. Later, continuing to write in his column in the magazine, Canteen of the Aksam Group, Atıf Unaldı gave web-design lectures in the Ceramic Department of the IU. Leaving his position in Canteen upon the establishment of the Interporbil Group, Unaldı has been a columnist in the economy magazine, EkoTimes. At the moment, Atıf Unaldı is the columnist in the Computerlife magazine. He has been also a columnist in Finansal Forum newspaper every Wednesday. Being the brand consultant of Buybye.com, Unaldi produced and presented a programme, TRON, in Technology Channel. As of December 2004, becoming the IT Director of Star Media Group, Unaldi carried out the editorship of STARTEK supplement of Star newspaper. Currently being the Internet Director of Kanal D and Star Tv, Unaldi also produces the Technorock programme in Rock Fm. Being one of the founders of the group called Sitebuilders supported by Microsoft, Unaldı has been organising conferences, seminars and panels concerning “Web-design”, “mobile Internet”, “e-trade” and “advertisement in the Internet” with the group. The group has been successfully providing the persons and organisations with its free educational studies. Published Books 2006 Netizen ( Internet Dictionary ) The contests he participated as a juryman: 2002 - Altın Örümcek Web Contest 2003 - Altın Örümcek Web Contest 2004 - Grafi2000 Flash Animation Contest 2004 - Altın Örümcek Web Contest 2005 - Altın Örümcek Web Contest 2006 - Web Marketing Assotion - Web Awards His published articles: The Structuring of the Internet in the Information Society of Turkey, Yeni Turkiye Dergisi (The New Turkey Magazine), March 1998 Web-design criteria, Yıldız Technical University Publication, 1994 Conferences, Seminars and Professional Activites: 1999 - Informing the sitebuilders and e-trade and web-design seminars in Microsoft headquarters (Istanbul) 1999 - Web-design, e-trade, Media Technologies seminars within Microsoft (Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Konya, Antalya) 2000 - e-trade seminars within Kosgeb (Ankara) 2000 - e-trade seminars in the Fatih University (Ankara) 2000 - The Bilgi University Internet seminars (Speakers: Microsoft Turkey General Director Sureyya Ciliv, Atıf Unaldı) 2000 - Within the framework of the IT 2000 activities, e-trade and web design seminars (Istanbul) 2003 - PRCI Turkiye (Istanbul) 2003 - Wireless Forum ( İstanbul) 2003 - ODTU ( Ankara ) 2003 - Mobiliz.biz ( İstanbul ) 2004 - PRCI ( İstanbul) The softwares he translated: 1996 - Windows Commander 2000 - Babylon Internet Dictionary 2002 - Sitepublisher Softwares: 1992 - The installation of two radio automation systems (Radyo Kulup and Radyo C) (1995) 1994 - The software of two computer programs (Crossword and Puzzle) which were played with the participation of the television audience at Kanal 6 television. 1996 - The Turkish version of a program called Windows Commander 1998 - A computer software enabling the automation of the TV advertisement department The organisations he is the member of: WSP (Web Standards Project) A global organisation Sitebuilders Microsoft ASP Guilt A world organisation Isoc (Internet Society) A world organisation Mobiliz.biz Mobile Advertising Platform CehTURK

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